Tattoos and heart

I’ve always been interested in tattoos and the stories behind them. I’ve also known someday I would get one. That someday was about 4 years ago and it was a very unique and special moment. My friend told me that once I would get one I would probably want to get more and guess what, she was right 🙂 Last spring I got number 2 and number 3 is also on it’s way.

Talking about tattoos is interesting to me because opinions about them vary so much. Some would love to have one but don’t know what, others don’t like them and think it’s a shame that people get them. Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about them and I think it’s wonderful, it makes conversations interesting, to find out why someone is or isn’t interested.

I used to be somewhat offended when people told me it’s a shame to get a tattoo or it ruins your body and questioned it like “Well, don’t you worry about when you get older? What if you get sick of them or regret having them.” I might’ve gotten offended because in some extent I had the same questions and didn’t know how to answer them. I also think everyone had the right to have their own opinions so I let people think what they want, but I want to explain how I feel when they ask.

I am living in the now more and more and I think there’s no point thinking so far ahead cause if you want to do something now, than you should, if it feels right I can only say “Go for it”. Now is the time you live and not 30 years from now. Who knows how I feel about my tattoos in 30 or 40 years, but also who knows about technologies changes that’s coming our way in those years? Wondering and worrying never helped anyone before so if I want to get a new tattoo I’ll just get it 🙂

My view on tattoos has completely changed when I heard someone talk about why he gets his tattoos. I thought it was incredible and it made me think about my body differently. He explained that whenever he had a memorable moment or something got stuck in his head that he would tattoo it on his body. After that I thought: well my body is my canvas it’s the canvas of my life, there’s scars and freckles that define me so with the tattoos I’m only painting it in more. This is who I am and these are my stories. If you want to know about them, just ask. The tattoos are reminders of my life that I don’t want to forget and now I never will. I won’t loose them and because they mean so much to me already I will never regret having them. Even when I’m grey and old, these stories are what got me there 😉